For barrel tasting? Why indeed it is!!!
Eastern Washington is all abuzz with folks looking forward to savoring what the barrels have been nurturing. Nothing like a sneak peek into the future to remind you of why patience is a virtue. Right? It is like trying to predict what a teenager will end up being like as an adult. Tricky. At best! But it’s fun because they’re so rugged and raw. Some will stay this way while others integrate beautifully with their surroundings becoming elegant masterpieces. I am totally talking about wine. Maybe? Regardless it is fun. So much fun that we can only participate two of the three days (Prosser tasting room is closed on Saturday ((seriously)) due to a short supply of wine and sanity) but boy are we are having a great time here today!

So while the barrel samples are ready, I am (perpetually) not.
As long as I can remember, there is a clock on somewhere reminding me that I’m late. Born late. Maybe? Well, yes but maybe that is the way I was intended to be. Frustrated by inner clock set on?? Paris? Maybe or an Italian coastline where they are so enlightened that they can make not shaving your armpits look glamorous. No small feat! But seriously I don’t need too much sleep. I drive at a brisk pace. Walk quickly. Occasionally run and still. I’m late.

Could it be in part because I am always taking pictures? Regardless of why I am this idea for this post came to me at midnight last night as I sat cross legged on my laundry room floor~ and while I should have been folding laundry I was thinking “will I ever feel ready?” Even for bed, I am just not ready.
But, why do I care? After all these years and all this time (ha ha) maybe I should just give up. But I’m not ready! Why are we all so driven to make it on time? Is there such a thing?
Tonight I worked late then swung by the grocery store which is a double whammy (small & slow) but when I eventually got home, it was 9 o’clock. Which is exactly when every swimsuit diet says you should pop some taquitos in the oven and opened a Corona and since I don’t like to drink alone and Jarrod was racked out from a long day of playing with his cannon (seriously.)
Anyway, I was wide awake and knew it was one of those nights where it may be born of anxiety or anticipation but one thing is for sure I wasn’t suffering from cannon exhaustion and there was no way I was going to sleep for a while. Instead, I headed up to the Mercer Ranch house (thank you Rob & Brenda) to chat with the Whitmore’s (Tiny House Competitors from Western WA ~ Team “Finishing Touches”). They are an incredible family and Adrienne (the momma of those 2 gorgeous baby girls in the lunch pic) just so happened to bring her incredibly talented and between jobs, sister Jessica. God’s timing! No wonder I was not tired.
I tried to convince her to come to work with us, because if the Whitmore family are fans of hers I know (if we get the chance) we will be too!
Amongst other things we chatted about, I just couldn’t stop talking about our incredible team. Man I love them! Have I mentioned how amazing they are? I’m being serious. Tonight alone the tasting room teams rocked 4 different offsite events in addition to their regular activities and they are patient with me and remember that’s a virtue.
But earlier today I was reminded of our most inner appreciated team members ~ our vineyard crew. My heart longs to win the lottery so I can spoil you can every one of them.

They inspire me. Reminding me that some of life’s greatest works are tedious and time consuming….
A long time ago my sweets (aka The Winemaker”), coined a phrase that I have come to deeply cherish.
The back-story: After waiting for mom in the car for what seemed like a very long time but in reality was only 7 minutes, okay maybe 10 but not long if you were getting a massage. Right? Given the context I understand their frustration but as they were voicing it to me upon my arrival (with lipstick and an array of goodies that my uterine homing device prompted me to remember~ thank you very much) he smiled at me and said, “she may be late, but she’s worth the wait.”
Melt. My. Heart.
We come equipped with a million ambitions, wired to work hard and try our very best but then maybe for all of us in some form or another the timing gets mixed up.
This year it is happening in the vineyard. Everything is unseasonably early. An “early bloomer” if you will. Breaking out into full bloom in early April and opening itself up (literally) to a few extra weeks of potential frost. Frost, which could destroy the entire season’s fruit. I love the sunny warm weather we have been having so do not get me wrong I just want it all to work out. And, by workout I mean perfectly. You hear this right. It settles deep in your soul. Perfect timing. That is what we want.
Even the Tiny House Competition has a strict timeline that makes it both exciting & exhausting. Both teams have a strict timeline that they have created for themselves but with the right attitude when twists and turns arise you can be like the Whitmore’s and creatively turn them a unique roofline.

Maybe the sign below is true and in rushing, we sometimes miss life’s sweetest part!

Maybe the patient grasshopper has inner peace, seeing the bigger picture more clearly than his or her faster jumping friends?
Or maybe they have shorter hair? If only they could talk!
To wrap up a 24-hour time slot we call a day I got the privilege of getting to see my niece WIN the LEADERSHIP AWARD as we will as 3rd place at the Spokane Top Model competition! So wonderful for a sweet girl who truly has no idea how beautiful she is.
Bursting with pride, I didn’t even mind running a couple blocks to get back to the valet! I had to be back by 10:00pm and walked up at 9:59 folks. Perfect timing, if I don’t say so myself.

Ali (Winemakers Wife)
Wine of the week:
2011 Alderdale Cabernet ~ Hard not to love this rich & complex beauty is a beast! My favorite pairings are lamb shanks or with goat cheese pizza.
Mention this blog post throughout the week to receive an additional $5 off of your bottle price. One case maximum. Wine Club Members this is on top of your existing discount which makes it a terrific deal.