BYOB Blending Class

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Have you ever dreamed of crafting your own signature wine? Join our BYOB (Build Your Own Blend) Blending Class and turn your inspiration into a reality! This fun, interactive experience lets you dive into the art of wine blending and create a bottle that's uniquely yours. What to Expect:• Hands-on Fun: We provide all the ingredients and tools you need to experiment and craft your custom blend.• Create Your Perfect Wine: With guidance from our experts, you'll mix, match, and discover your ideal flavor combination.• Personalized Label: Take home a bottle of your own creation, complete with…

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Live Music feat. Jeannie Rak

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Special return performance! Jeannie Rak is a pop and R&B singer-songwriter who cut her teeth busking in Pike Place Market. Being a street musician helped her develop a powerful and precise vocal style, and she loves interacting with the audience when she performs. Hailing from Bangkok, Thailand, Jeannie now lives in Chicago but is back in Seattle for a limited time performing her newly released EP!

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Central WA Club Share Weekend

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20 Central Washington wineries are coming together to celebrate the kickoff of WAugust, Washington Wine Month, with a special promotional weekend for our collective wine club members. Purchase a Share Pass and you'll be able to visit any of the participating Central WA wineries during the first weekend of August and get club pricing at all! Some may even have additional offerings, like bonus pours and additional discounts. It is really that easy!

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Books on Tap Book Club

Alexandria Nicole Cellars' Books On Tap Book Club bring words and wine together so you can connect with interesting reads and fun people every month. Hosted at our Prosser Tasting Room's Library Hidden Door Room. Wine specials and small plates are available – Can’t wait to see you there Line UpJANUARY 28: "The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue" by V.E. SchwabFEBRUARY 25: "The Four Winds" by Kristin HannahMARCH 24: Favorite All-Time Literary VillainsAPRIL 28: "How to Stop Time" by Matt HaigMAY 26: Most Despised Popular Book of All TimeJUNE…

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Washington Winery of the Year

We are honored to have been selected as one of the Fabulous Four Washington Wineries of the Year from Seattle Wine Awards. It couldn't have come at a better time as we celebrate our 25 year as growers as well as Washington Wine Month (WAugust). It's humbling to work with such amazing people from the Vineyard to the Cellar to the Tasting Rooms. This team is truly committed to excellence from dirt to bottle and they deserve all the credit for this recognition. Read More

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Exploring Woodinville Wine Country

Woodinville’s wineries are arrayed across 4 distinct districts, each with their own personalities. The Hollywood district is alive with restaurants and tasting rooms, the Warehouse District gives you a behind-the-scenes look at wine production, the West Valley District offers a relaxed pace, and Downtown boasts new additions to food, drink, and shopping. Watch Here

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